Fall Chai

As a former coffee lover (I still love it but sadly my body/mind can’t tolerate it), chai is the most amazing substitute.

It’s warm, spicy, with a soothing aroma. It’s smooth and comforting. Chai is the perfect morning drink, utilizing amazing spices and sweetness to balance the cold and dry influence of vata season.

Here is the recipe for the daily fall chai I’ve been making. I have made it with black tea and without. Both variations are lovely.

If you are noticing the mind is restless, try avoiding the black tea/caffeine. You’ll still notice a beautiful uplifting energy from the spices.

Here it is! ✨☕️

YIELD: 1-2


2 cups of milk (I prefer raw milk)
1/4 tsp maple syrup
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp ground coriander
2 cloves
1/4 tsp English breakfast tea (optional)

* for a nighttime variation, omit the black tea and add 1/8 tsp nutmeg. Nutmeg is known to support sound sleep *

Add milk to a small sauce pan. Turn heat up to medium. While milk is warming, add maple syrup and all the spices. Stir. The moment the milk starts to boil, turn it down to a low simmer. Simmer for 5-7 minutes. Strain and enjoy!

PSA: the longer it simmers or sits on the stove, the more caffeinated it becomes.

Take it to your yoga mat, or to a window, watch the leaves fall as you sip it slowly, have it accompany you to a reading session with your favorite book. Let it’s aromas fill your nose and soothe your mind. Take mindful breaths and as you sip it slowly, it will remind you to be present. Chai can be the most powerful medicine.