Calendula Healing Salve
Calendula Healing Salve
A salve is a natural ointment made with beeswax and herbal infused oil. Hand-made in small batches, the oil in this salve was infused with a beautiful flower called calendula, known for its healing properties on the skin. This salve can be used as a barrier for dry skin on cold days, layered on for eczema or minor skin injuries to promote healing, or anointed on the skin for a loving massage. The ingredients are clean and safe for babies to be used as a diaper cream, a protective barrier for the knees when crawling, or on the face to avoid contact rashes.
My family has used this salve on our skin since my daughter was a few month old. I made it when I couldn’t find anything that worked well with clean ingredients. We haven’t looked back!
Ingredients: calendula oil, coconut oil, beeswax, cacao butter, and an essential oil.
Locally sourced and made in small loving batches.
Sealed in 4 oz glass mason jars.